社会の閉塞感を打ち破る大きな原動力となりうる女性や若者の活躍の場を広げ、一人ひとりが力を発揮でき、一人ひとりがリーダーシップをとり、力を発揮し行動することによって、誰もが自分らしい生き方のできる社会の実現を目指します。そのために、女性のエンパワーメントを促進しながら、グローバルコミュニティに対する貢献度を高めることを目的としてWashington Women’s Dialogue(WWD)を開催しています。WWDでは、国際問題や社会問題など幅広いイシューを考えつつ、先達の生き方に学ぶ場を提供します。ワシントンDCを拠点にロールモデルとなる各界のリーダーをゲストスピーカーに迎え、ライフストーリーを共有しながら、少人数でスピーカーと身近に議論できる機会を提供いたします。本イベントシリーズはMaureen and Mike Mansfield Foundationのご協力をいただいております。
場所:Maureen and Mike Mansfield Foundation
1156 15th Street, NW Suite 1105 | Washington, D.C. 20005)

Sarah Colon氏 Key Collaborations Advisor and Senior Writer, the US Department of Energy (DOE)
Following a debilitating bike-car accident, Sarah turned to entrepreneurship, converting her basement into a three-room Airbnb hotel which has been recognized as a top place to stay in Bethesda. She credits her commitment to friendships, the arts, and volunteer service for the inner strength that has made her so resilient.She also put her Toastmasters experience to use by helping foreign journalists and other non-native speaking professionals with their English communication and presentation skills.
Sarah formally served as co-chair of the SAIS Women’s Alumni Network (SWAN) DC Social committee and is a volunteer crisis counselor.
Sarah earned her A.B. in biological sciences from Cornell University and studied Japanese at Middlebury College Summer Language Institute, the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), and Sheffield University. She is presently studying acting at Studio Theater Conservatory and voice and violin at Levine School of Music.

Saleema Vellani, Co-Founder and COO of Innovazing
Saleema Vellani is the Co-Founder and COO of Innovazing, which is an education and leadership development firm that strives to teach individuals innovative tools to become more impactful leaders. Innovazing uses emotional intelligence tools and techniques, based on neuroscience, in its highly customized programs for nonprofits, higher education institutions, Fortune 500 companies, and government agencies. Saleema is also the Co-Founder and CSO of Mavasive Leadership Institute. Aside from launching five fast-growing ventures across four countries, including Brazil’s largest and top-rated Portuguese school and a website translation business, she has also provided consulting for over 12 years to a wide spectrum of organizations, including Upwork, the Inter-American Development Bank, and the World Bank.

村上博美 JSIE代表 (ファシリテータ)
ワシントンDC経済戦略研究所(ESI)上席研究員、米国戦略国際問題研究所(CSIS)グローバルヘルスポリシーセンター非常勤フェロー。米国ジョンズ・ホプキンス大学高等国際問題研究大学院(SAIS)や政策研究大学院大学でも教鞭をとった後、日本医療政策機構理事を経て、2015年にJapan Institute for Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship (JSIE)を創設。米国際経営学修士、米国ジョンズ・ホプキンス大学高等国際問題研究大学院(SAIS)国際関係論博士。