Here are articles contributed and interviews picked up by media.

Japan Institute for Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship has received a GlobalGiving grant made in partnership with Riot Games. We greatly appreciate your continued support! Women’s Initiative for Sustainable Development (WISE) program and Stop Child Abuse and Bullying project.

JSIE has received badge from Global Giving. We greatly appreciate your continued support!

JSIE was awarded a grant from Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation for new project of Building a Society with Diversity and Inclusion. Thank you so much for the support.

British Business Award nominated WISE Associate Caitlin Puzzar and her project. Caitlin was featured at British Chamber of Commerce Magazine. Read her interview article Here. (December, 2021)
Caitlin was also featured in Spotlight Interview for March/April 2022. Please read the full interview A “Young Social Entrepreneur Fights Against Child Abuse in Japan” HERE.

Beacon Report featured WISE Associate Caitlin Puzzar and her project. Caitlin participated in 2019 WISE Kumamoto, and she won WISE award and initiated her project since. Please see HERE. (September 6, 2021)

Japan Institute for Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship was awarded of the U.S. Embassy Tokyo grant award for youth programs during 2021-2023. We are very honored to receive the grant.

Hiromi Murakami participated as a panelist at US Embassy Women’s History Month Virtual Symposium on March 23, 2021. Other panelists are Christina Le, 1st Secretary, Deputy Political Military Unit Chief, US Embassy Tokyo; Crystal M. Wilhite, NE Asia Foreign Area officer, Major in the US Army and Deputy Chief of Government Relations, United States Forces Japan. Here is the video.

2019 WISE Kumamoto fellow, Caitlin Puzzar is featured on Kumamoto Nichinichi newspaper
March 8, 2021 — Caitlin’s WISE winner project is now tested in Kumamoto city schools. Her project is picked up by Kumamoto newspaper. Here in Japanese.

Contributed an article to Washington Japanese Women’s Network online magazine
July 21, 2019 Hiromi Murakami contributed an article to Online magazine of Washington Japanese Women’s Network July 2019 HERE (in Japanese).

Oita Godo newspaper reported about Beppu WISE
August 3, 2019 Morning edition of Oita Godo Shimbun reported HERE (in Japanese).

Sakura Newspaper (Washington DC & Houston) published JSIE interview series
July 27, 2019 edition features interview article of Ms. Yuka Hayashi by JSIE rep. Hiromi Murakami. Please see HERE.

Kumamoto Nichinichi newspaper reported about Kumamoto WISE
May 19, 2019 Morning edition of Kumamoto Nichinichi Shimbun reported HERE (in Japanese).

Sakura Newspaper (Washington DC & Houston) published JSIE interview series
May 18, 2019 edition features interview article of Dr. Naoko Takebe of NIH by JSIE rep. Hiromi Murakami. Please see HERE.

Japan Spotlight published an interview article of Hiromi Murakami
May/June 2019 edition features JSIE rep Hiromi Murakami. Under the title「Women in Japan Not Yet Fully Utilized for Economic Growth」, she talks about how and why she started JSIE activities. Article is HERE (English).

Sakura Newspaper (Washington DC & Houston) published JSIE interview series
March 16, 2019 edition features interview article of Ms. Maki Ohashi, Ms. Ayano Kimura and Ms. Tamako Miyazaki of Washington Ballet. Interview was done by Hiromi Murakami, JSIE representative. Article is HERE(in Japanese).

Red Bull Amaphiko published an article features Hiromi Murakam
August 12, 2016, Red Bull Amaphiko (a platform for social change makers) quoted Hiromi Murakami and JSIE activities. Please see HERE (in English) .