I have participated in the WISE program twice, and both experiences remain special memories for me. This program is a valuable opportunity for personal development. Over the three days of the program, participants were grouped together to prepare presentations for the final day. Through these discussions, I gained new perspectives from my group members and found a great deal of inspiration. As our discussions progressed, my initially vague plan became clearer with the practical advice we received from mentors. The process was truly exciting because we created an entirely new project and felt a deep sense of accomplishment when it all came together.
One unique aspect of the WISE program was its use of English as the primary language. I often struggled to express my ideas in English and felt frustrated at times during the three days, but this challenge motivated me to practice and improve my language skills. Whenever I feel stressed about learning English at university, I remember my experience at WISE and use it as encouragement to keep improving. The program continues to influence me, even long after it ended.
The WISE program has been a valuable opportunity to grow in many ways. While it sometimes highlighted areas where I lack confidence or skills, it also helped me discover new goals and inspired me to keep making progress.

Participating in JSIE’s WISE 2024 program equipped me with essential entrepreneurial skills that I’m excited to apply in my future career. Although working with people I’d never met seemed daunting at first, the positive attitudes and eagerness to learn shown by everyone made collaboration feel natural and seamless. With the guidance of patient, experienced mentors, our team could face challenging, time-sensitive situations with confidence, viewing them as opportunities rather than obstacles. This program not only honed our critical thinking and communication skills but also encouraged us to unlock our creativity in each of our project, making us feel more empowered than ever. Working closely as a team allowed us to discover and harness our own strengths and those of others to achieve a shared vision with a common spirit. Additionally, meeting other adult participants who are experts in various fields, developing the above-mentioned cool skills, and even enjoying the excellent food provided by JSIE made this experience both rewarding and memorable. A huge thank you to the organizers and mentors who created this inspiring program!

JSIE’s WISE 2023 Saku-Karuizawa program was such a valuable learning experience for me. This program not only allowed me to enhance my skills through their amazing mentorship but also enabled personal growth through hands-on teamwork. The atmosphere surrounding this program was highly encouraging and supportive! There was an interesting mix of brilliant minds, ranging from high school students to professionals in their respective fields. Whether you were there to pitch your idea or be a supporter, you will have the opportunity to collaborate with a wonderful team on amazing projects and design innovative, sustainable business plans. The support from the staff, mentors, and my teammates was instrumental in further developing my skills and acquiring plenty of new knowledge. Upon completing this program, I not only gained many good friends and valuable connections, but also became eager to continue working towards a better future using the skills I acquired and furthering my project. A big thank you to the team and mentors that conducted this program with stellar work!

I participated in the 2023 Program in Saku-Karuizawa. The event gave entrepreneurs a platform to turn ideas centered on addressing social issues into workable solutions by providing a cooperative environment in which participants engaged through group work and communication. Overall, I had a enlightening and empowering time at the event. Mentors gave each group individualized advice based on their unique projects, and participants were encouraged to assume leadership positions and exercise initiative which motivated others and directed group efforts toward fruitful results. I wholeheartedly recommend the program to anyone seeking an enriching and transformative experience.

I was first amazed by the diverse participants in terms of race, nationality, cultural background, gender, age, and affiliations. The instructors and organizers created an open, positive, and inclusive environment, which we also value as the Japanese Women’s Leadership Initiative, allowing all participants to exchange their opinions freely. During the intensive group work, participants contributed their different skills and knowledge, and we gained a lot from each other. I learned about creative thinking and excellent IT skills from the younger generation, and from the professionals, I acquired skills and perspectives nurtured in their respective fields of expertise. Although it was a short duration of three days, I will continue benefiting from the network I gained through this opportunity.

JSIE’s 2019 Beppu WISE program on Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship was one of the most challenging, but productive programs I’ve ever attended. The program brought together hopeful entrepreneurs from different backgrounds to design innovative and sustainable business plans. Incredible mentors with real-world experience helped us harness our ideas into actionable plans. The program opened my eyes to the potential that social innovation has to make positive change in the world. Thanks to the program’s mentors I was given an invaluable set of tools to implement my business ideas. Thanks to the other participants I am motivated and inspired to solve societal issues through collaboration and innovation. I would recommend this program to anyone who is interested in addressing societal issues through entrepreneurship.


Ever felt like you need help shaping your idea, but you are afraid that it is not good enough? Me too! During WISE 2019, I took all the courage inside of me and finally share my idea. The support from the staff and participants was comforting and encouraging. The speakers provided insightful advice and shared their own stories of failure and success. This last part allowed us to grasp the depth of entrepreneurship. I learned that in order to be heard sometimes you need to keep knocking on the door. The supportive atmosphere and the energy of the participants packed into a two-day program allow you to believe that everything is possible if you set your mind to do it and that it takes a village to be successful. For three days you work in your emotional intelligence, communication, time management, leadership and presentation skills. My team was composed of teens, university students, and adults from different cultural backgrounds. The range in age and backgrounds brought fresh ideas to our goal and allowed me to learn from such a talented group of individuals. I am determined to keep working with those who want to impact our society and improved it. I am grateful to the staff of JSIE for creating this space allowing us to grow.

JSIE’s WISE Session was intense, thought provoking and constructive. Despite being the youngest one in the session, those in my group treated me like an equal and listened and considered every opinion I had. The workshop brought together many people of diverse backgrounds, which allowed for the ability to collaborate in different aspects. This maximized the potential of the the product, for there was no limiting narrow factor. As a young student, not only did I learn the importance of a well executed pitch, but the steps behind making the initial idea. By everyone in ‘high intensity’ during the two days, the workshop was inspiring. Each individual who attended the workshop was unique and interesting, and through it, I gained entrepreneurial experience, but I also made memorable connections with others and learned a lot from them too.




From my experience of working on Social Innovation in Asia over the past 5 years, JSIE summer Start-Up workshop is one of the leading resources in Japan focused on nurturing projects that promote social change. Bringing together committed individuals with a wealth of experience from different disciplines, the Start-Up workshop provides a unique platform to brainstorm and design approaches to address social challenges and SDGs in an efficient yet sustainable way. JSIE also provided an opportunity to interact with impact investors and other mentors, who provided valuable advice to help us put the theoretical frameworks we have devised into practice. The JSIE community is one of the most advanced and organised social innovation networks around and would appeal to anyone who wants to contribute to social projects in a deep and meaningful way.


JSIE’s Summer Workshop was an incredible, high-intensity, entrepreneur’s dream event. The organizers didn’t waste any time, sharing unique techniques and insights into planning and development right from the start. Teams could maximize time on both days refining their offering. Mentors and financial advisors walked through each project on day 1, helping teams prepare to defend their ideas for the final pitch. I had never experienced anything like this before. My team won first place which was so rewarding, but even more motivating than that was to feel a sense of certainty that with these new mentors and connections, my own project is possible.


WISE summer program 2017 brings together various people from different backgrounds and age groups. It is an one of a kind innovative and social workshop that highlights individual’s entrepreneurship skills. It was an eye opening experience for me as this was my first time collaborating and cooperating with such diverse group of people. Through this program I learned more about myself and my interests. The program greatly emphasized on creativity and critical thinking. Inputs from mentors brought in different perspectives and deepened my knowledge on how to solve social issues. It was a great learning and humble experience for me.


ひとつのアイデアが、多様なバックグラウンドを持つ異能が集まり、グループワークをという共創の場を通じて広がっていくおもしろさを体感できます。また、自分の中に潜む「可能性」の発見や広がりに、実践値の高い豪華メンター陣のさりげない一言で気づくことも。WISEプログラムは、そんな創発の場だと思います。温かく背中を押してくれる、国際的かつ魅力的な事務局メンバーとのご縁も人生の資産。素晴らしい創発機会をいただけたことに、心から感謝しています。 卵をあたためて、どんな雛がかえるのかは参加してみてのお楽しみ。いまいる自分の世界の、その先の世界を切り拓いてみたい。自分の中に潜む可能性の発見と広がりを体感してみたい。その一歩を進めるのであれば、JSIEという国際的なネットワークを基盤にもつWISEプログラムはおすすめです。